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Project Health Equity

Helping Provide Greater Awareness and Access for Underserved Women

Since our founding in 1985, Hologic has dedicated itself to advancing greater well-being for all women. Through Project Health Equity, Hologic and our partners champion underserved women through greater awareness about the importance of preventive care, access to care at strategic locations and culturally informed research. Systemic racism, bias and a well-documented history of mistrust between people of color and the medical establishment continue to drive disparities in access to healthcare. We created Project Health Equity to fund initiatives that help overcome these disparities. Some of Project Health Equity’s 2022 featured highlights include:

College of American Pathologists (CAP) Foundation “See, Test, Treat”

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These health professionals provided “See, Test, Treat” services.

Hologic joined the CAP Foundation in Jackson, Mississippi on August 20, 2022, for its “See, Test, Treat” day. The event provided a wide range of preventive-care services to underserved residents, from screening for cervical and breast cancers to gynecologic health checks.

Promise Fund of Florida

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Promise Fund co-founder Nancy Brinker and First Lady Dr. Jill Biden tour a women’s imaging center.

Hologic’s financial support helps the Promise Fund of Florida employ 20 patient navigators to guide patients through the care process across a dozen health facilities in Palm Beach County and Broward County, Florida. These specialists conduct outreach, book appointments, arrange transportation, provide translation services, explain medical procedures and coordinate follow-up care.

National Alliance for Hispanic Health (NAHH)

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Community health workers during “Mi Hermana” training in the U.S. city of Chicago, Illinois.

Hologic supports the NAHH program “Mi Hermana, Latina Health Champions,” which has developed a seminar series for community health workers on wellness, partnered with community groups to train health workers, funded 10 university teams’ research on health disparities and provided messaging about how race, ethnicity and gender matter in healthcare.

Breast Cancer Support Fund (BCSF)

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BCSF takes breast cancer screenings to the community. 

In Ontario, Canada, Hologic and the Breast Cancer Support Fund (BCSF) joined forces to promote the importance of routine screenings — and to highlight practical resources that help more women access those screenings.

Helping Underserved Women Worldwide

In addition to Project Health Equity, Hologic partners with organizations in other ways to deliver care and improve access to underserved women around the world. These partners connect women with culturally competent care through awareness, education, clinical resources and research.

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Costa Rica

Hologic provides grants, food and other resources to this nonprofit hostel that offers free lodging, food and basic health services to women across Costa Rica who come to the capital, San Jose, for breast cancer treatment.

Kanjanabaramee Foundation


Hologic’s Genius® 3Dimensions® mammography systems are installed on this foundation’s fleet of buses, which travel the country to provide free mammograms as part of a comprehensive health check-up.

Mobile Mammography


Hologic’s mammography systems are part of a mobile program that visits remote areas of Taiwan to provide easy access to breast health screenings, free of charge.

Breast Cancer Initiative East Africa


Hologic’s support enables this nonprofit, which started with 27 breast-cancer survivors, to increase outreach activities to low-income communities across East Africa. The organization educates women about optimal breast health, which includes learning about risk factors and gaining access to regular screenings.

Ewang’an Nadede Advocacy Initiative


With a grant from Hologic, this organization is increasing its screening program for breast cancer, cervical cancer and sexually transmitted infections among women in Kajiado County. It’s also expanding education efforts to lower the region’s rate of teenage pregnancies.

Community Clinics

San Diego County (U.S.)

Funded with grants from Hologic, these San Diego County community clinics provide preventive care for a diverse range of women:

  • La Maestra Family Clinic.
  • Neighborhood Healthcare.
  • Vista Community Clinic.
  • Southern California Care Community.

Project Health Equity