Unifi Connect Platform

Unifi Connect Platform

Welcome to our dedicated landing page for the Unifi™ Connect platform. This page is intended to provide you with the latest information on the migration to the Unifi Connect platform.

To prepare for remote upgrade of your system(s), is it important to follow these steps:

  1. Please ensure that your Hologic devices remain powered on from August 16, 2021 - September 30, 2021 including overnight hours.
  2. You may also need to adjust your security rules if outbound traffic is not already permitted (e.g. Unifi Connect platform servers on Port 443).

In addition, please review the FAQ, ‘Customer Letter’ and ‘IT Info’ below for detailed information.


Why is Hologic making this change to my system(s)?
As technology changes, we are always working to make sure that we can continue to support our customers to meet service response times and perform support services. We are making this change to ensure that we continue to provide you with exceptional customer service and support, include remote diagnosis and troubleshooting.
How will this impact the operation of my system(s)?
Will this update cause any downtime to my system(s)? If so, how long?
Will this update change any security assessments previously performed on Hologic products with Hologic Connect platform remote support?
Will I be charged for this update?
Is this update mandatory?
What must I do to prepare for this change?
When will the change occur?
Where do I go for more information if I have questions?